I am sure that most of us have an old pair of jeans lying around somewhere, under a pile of clothes, in a dark corner of the cupboard. The good news is that the pair could now be worth 1,000 Baht for you (well, assuming you have no other emotional attachment to it). Levis has created a wonderful opportunity for us to trade in old jeans in return for an instant discount of 1,000 baht on a new pair of Levis jeans....but wait, there is a catch - the Levis should be worth at least 2,500 Baht. An alternative trade-in would be to buy 1 pair of Levi + another Levi's product = totalling minimum 2,500 bucks. But the best thing is that the old jeans can be of ANY brand. The old pairs collected will be donated to various foundations for charity. This 'Levi’s Swap Jeans' campaign runs for 1 month from August 1 to 31 at Levi’s shops in Central, Robinson, and The Mall Department Stores, and also at the 130 Levi's Shops in other locations nationwide.